A group of 48 Fuellers enjoyed an informal Master’s social weekend in Stratford-upon-Avon in glorious early summer weather. The four star Crowne Plaza Hotel in the Town centre proved to be an excellent base from which most events were just a short walk away.
A surprise for us at the Hotel was that we were sharing it with another group. The National Association of Funeral Directors holding their annual conference and AGM. It made the trip to breakfast interesting running the gauntlet of the various offerings on the industry suppliers’ stands.
Friday 19 May
We first met in the afternoon just outside Stratford-upon-Avon in Gaydon at the British Motor Museum. This holds the largest collection of historic British cars including many vehicles used by Royalty, politicians and the film and TV industry. We were split into two private groups and the guides were excellent.

In the evening we all met at the Hotel in a private room for the opening drinks reception and a three course dinner. During this fun evening, £720 was raised for the Fuellers Charitable Trust Fund from a game of “Yes/No” which was won by The Fuellers Editor, Lyn Postle, who was presented with an outstanding and very rare prize. Two packs of Fuellers numbered playing cards! A few members adjourned to the hotel bar until late.

Saturday 20 May
After a hearty breakfast we were collected from the hotel by our two Town guides for a two hour guided walk. These were an excellent, enjoyable and educational tour about the Town history, Shakespeare and his family. One of the guides even had his hair dyed yellow to match his yellow uniform blazer. Lunch was free form in one of the very many eating and drinking establishments available in the Town.

In the afternoon we all boarded our private launch “Titania”, just outside the Royal Shakespeare Theatre for a leisurely river cruise on the Avon. The crew provided an excellent running commentary and it was a very relaxing opportunity for us all to see the Town from the river.

In the evening a coach came to the Hotel to take us for a reception drinks and dinner at the World Famous Pudding Club. This was in the Three Ways Hotel in nearby Mickleton. It was a pleasant warm evening so the reception drinks were in the grounds of this lovely Cotswold village Hotel.

The Master of Ceremonies called us all into the dining room for our main course. After which the seven puddings were then ceremoniously brought in. Myself and Mike Hogg volunteered to present the puddings. These were, Sticky Toffee Pudding; Jam and Coconut Sponge; Spotted Dick; Rhubarb and Blackberry Crumble; Syrup Sponge; Trifle and Lemon Sponge. We all collected a portion of all seven puddings served with Birds custard/cream and we then voted for our favourite. The winner was Sticky Toffee Pudding. It was a very enjoyable, different and a little noisy and riotous evening all returning back to the Hotel with our attendance certificates.
The Master of Ceremonies called us all into the dining room for our main course. After which the seven puddings were then ceremoniously brought in. Myself and Mike Hogg volunteered to present the puddings. These were, Sticky Toffee Pudding; Jam and Coconut Sponge; Spotted Dick; Rhubarb and Blackberry Crumble; Syrup Sponge; Trifle and Lemon Sponge. We all collected a portion of all seven puddings served with Birds custard/cream and we then voted for our favourite. The winner was Sticky Toffee Pudding. It was a very enjoyable, different and a little noisy and riotous evening all returning back to the Hotel with our attendance certificates.

A small group of Fuellers, who were not able to get a place at the Pudding Club, had dinner at The Lamb in Town.
Sunday 21 May
After a late breakfast a group of 20 Fuellers, who were the first to book, were very privileged to go on a behind the scenes tour of the Royal Shakespeare and The Swan Theatre. The guides took them backstage to both Theatres including the auditoriums, and other areas not normally accessible to the public. This included examining the costumes and props for the current productions. An unforgettable experience. Other Fuellers had free time or may have visited other attractions in the Town including the Sunday Craft Market, The Stratford Butterfly farm and the gardens and grounds of Charlecote Park.

The whole party then came together and met for the closing lunch in the Rooftop restaurant at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. This is on the top floor with extensive views over the Town and River Avon. We enjoyed a fine lunch and then all said our good byes as the weekend closed.

Peter Harrison