Master Fueller’s Activity Report – February 2023

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So what has your Master and the Wardens’ been up to post Christmas and in February 2023? I also attach a list for your information of future events for all Members.

As you know I am working with others on communications for your benefit. This includes the Fueller Communication Group chaired by Michael Green who will be populating the social media communications; the Editor of The Fueller magazine, Lynn Postle; the Editor of E-News, Louise Thompson and our Clerk Alex Maclean Bather.

I am happy for and would encourage any feedback on this e mail. I thank you for those who have commented so far.

Wednesday 8 February, Fuellers Communication Group Zoom 

I along with the Senior and Junior Wardens, attended the Fuellers Communication Group zoom meeting this morning. A lot of ground was covered relating to all aspects of communications and how they can be maintained and enhanced both internally and externally. An enthusiastic and well run Group.

Thursday 9 February, Educators Lecture and reception

The Worshipful Company of Educators held their annual Franklin Lecture. This was in the very impressive Egyptian Room at Mansion House which was packed. The lecture was given by Alderman Professor Mainelli, followed by a drinks reception. The case was put very well as to how new technology can reform the economics to deliver superior performance for education of society. He balanced this argument with other views including” intelligence comes from life not education”. 

Monday 13 February, Private lunch with Lord Mayor, Lady Mayoress, Sheriff and Sheriff’s Consort

Every year the incoming Lord Mayor briefs the Masters and Consorts on the year ahead and seeks support. This dinner had been postponed from 8 September due to the passing of The Queen. Almost 130 attended at Chartered Accountants Hall for this lunch. Jan and I attended and it was a great opportunity to get know more of our fellow Masters and Consorts. The Lord Mayor explained about his emphasis on raising the global profile of the City of London and he also handled a challenging “Q and A” session. 

Wednesday 15 February, Livery Food Initiative zoom meeting

 I joined a zoom meeting this evening on the Livery wide Livery Food initiative. This is a recently launched initiative by a collective of Livery Companies called the Livery Charity Chairs Group (LCCG) of which our own Past Master, Chloë  Andrews-Jones, represents the Fuellers. Others attending from the Fuellers included the Senior and Junior Wardens and our Clerk. 
We learnt about “City Harvest” which distributes surplus food to London charities. They delivered 13.7million meals in 2022 and are targeting 20 million in 2023.  They need financial support, especially for new vans and also need voluntary help. The LCCG is working closely with them.

Our own Junior Warden, Elena Oderstone featured as she is climbing Kilimanjaro in March and will be donating 50% of her sponsorship funds to City Harvest. Please support her.

Monday 20 February, Seminar on the “Future of Energy in the UK”

Jan, my Consort and I attended an all-day seminar conference on The Future of Energy UK organised by the Worshipful Company of Launderers at Glaziers Hall. It was well attended including eight Fuellers one of which was James Cripps, Senior Warden. The day covered a broad range of energy subjects from Nuclear energy; new technology to help control the mix of energy sources; solar energy and panels, heat pump technology; Hydrogen as an energy source and Hydrogen for transport.

The last two sessions of the day were on Hydrogen which was delivered by our very own Court Assistant, Ash Shastri, who did an excellent job on behalf of the Fuellers.

Tuesday 21 February, Inter-Livery Pancake races and lunch

A Fuellers team of four entered the annual inter-livery pancake races organised by the Worshipful Company of Poulters at Guildhall yard. A visually spectacular event with four races, tossing pancakes in full Livery regalia and wearing a chef’s hat. One race was a novelty costume race. This was followed by a buffet lunch provided by “The Clink”.

Our team was captained by Liveryman Paul Mott with the other team members being myself, Liveryman Suzan Woods and Liliana Oderstone, daughter and Consort of the Junior Warden. A number of Fuellers attended to cheer us on including our Clerk, my consort Jan and new Freeman Mark Cook with his partner.

Liliana’s novelty costume was a tribute to the Lord Mayors numeracy theme.

It is all about taking part and not winning, which is good as we did not deprive others of their need to come first!  We all survived our races without losing our chef’s hat or pancake or incurring an injury. 

Wednesday 22 February, Officers monthly zoom

I and the two other Officers, James Cripps and Elena Oderstone, held our regular zoom meeting. The chair of GPC, John Ingham also attended for part of this meeting. A very useful catch up.

Thursday 23 February, Horners Annual Lecture and Reception

Jan, my Consort and I, attended the Worshipful Company of Horners annual Ralph Anderson Memorial Lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine. This was on the topic of “Advances in technology to fast forward the circular economy”. It emphasised how improved global waste management sits at the heart of climate change. 

It had been postponed from 3 November 2022 and was a special evening lecture being unusually a black tie event. It was very well attended across the livery world. The speaker was Professor Edward Kosior who talked about the latest processes including decontamination in the plastics industry to help turn such waste into valuable resources. The evening concluded with a buffet meal and drinks.

Tuesday 28 February, Basketmakers Livery Dinner

We were both invited to the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers Livery Dinner at Saddlers’ Hall. Jan and I have known the Prime Warden (Master) Judy Tayler-Smith for a number of years and it was a pleasure to attend. Saddlers Hall dates back to the 14th Century, but after being burnt down in the Fire of London and bombed during the Blitz it has been rebuilt several times.

The evening was a friendly event with interesting speeches, not least from the guest charity speaker who was an individual youth who has benefitted from “The Crown & Manor Club”. This is an inner London youth club providing a safe haven and is supported by the Basketmakers.