So what have your Master and the Wardens been up to in June 2023? I also attach a list for your information of future events in 2023 for all Members.
As you know I am working with others on communications for your benefit. This includes the Fueller Communication Group chaired by Michael Green who will be populating the social media communications; the Editor of The Fueller magazine, Lynn Postle; the Editor of E-News, Louise Thompson and our Clerk Alex Maclean Bather.
My Charity Fund Raiser Two Physical Events update
As you know I am doing physical activities to raise funds for charity. Details and how to donate were sent round on 10 June and again with an update on 4 July.
My first challenge is the swimming marathon which is now underway, and I am squeezing it in around my other Livery activities. I will swim a total of 22 miles, the distance of the English Channel. I am going around three times week to my club pool and I am building up the distance.
As at the end of June, I am pleased to report I have now swum 1,234 lengths being just over 19 miles. Only 3 miles to go! It is tough and very hard work.
My second challenge will come later on August 5 climbing the roof of the 02 Building in Canary Wharf with a team of 18 of us.
Please donate and thank you for the ones who have done so far.
Thursday 1 June, Livery Dinner Worshipful Company of Vintners
Alex and I attended the Vintners’ Company Livery Dinner at Vintners’ Hall. We felt special as we were one of only five Livery Company Masters and Clerks teams in attendance. It was a spectacular evening which included the Loving Cup, we all sang “The Song to the Vintners’ ”, and entertainment came from an operatic duo and pianist. The entertainment also included a surprise medley of James Bond theme tunes as a gift to the Master Vintner, who is a big Bond fan. This was his last formal dinner.

Wednesday 7 June, visit to the Chelsea Physic Garden
My Past Consort group, from when I was Consort to Jan in her Master’s year 2016/17, organised a visit and afternoon tea at the Chelsea Physic Garden. This garden is a botanical garden on the Thames and was established in 1673 by the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries, being just up the river from their Hall in Blackfriars. It is a walled 4 acre site facing south and holds over 4,500 plants focused on medicinal herbal and other useful plants.
Thursday 8 June, Livery Committee Reception
I attended the City of London Livery Committee Reception at Grocers’ Hall. It was an opportunity to meet with all the other Livery Company Masters, Clerks, Officers of the Corporation and Livery Committee representatives to discuss matters and network. The latest livery picture book was handed out. A very useful “mugshot” of every Master and Consort which is updated every six months. A brief speech was given about the role of the Livery Committee by its Chairman, Deputy Philip Woodhouse.

Thursday 8 June, Junior Warden, Military Affiliates Liaison and the Clerk meet with Commodore David Eagles at the RFA
The Junior Warden, Elena Oderstone, Dave Marsh, our Military Affiliates Liaison and the Clerk, Alex Maclean Bather met with Commodore David Eagles of the Fuellers affiliate Royal Fleet Auxiliary. This was for a recorded interview and to discuss other matters such as renewing the record of interaction between us both.
Monday 12 June, Evening at Temple Bar
Jan and I attended an informal social evening reception with both our Past Master associations from our Masters and Consorts year 2016/17. It was held in the recently re opened Temple Bar Gate now at the entrance to Paternoster Square next to St Pauls. This Gate is the only remaining historical gate in London and it originally marked the boundary between London and the City on Fleet Street. It was recently found and re built from around 2004 and is now also the new home to the Worshipful Company of Architects.

Wednesday 14 June, Fuellers Midsummer Court Meeting and Midsummer Dinner
I and the Officers attended the Fuellers Midsummer Court Meeting and Midsummer dinner at Butchers Hall. The Court meeting covered a lot of detail including the strategy and aspects of workings of the Fuellers. In addition at the Ceremonial Court a new Freeman was admitted and two members were enrobed as Liverymen.
The Dinner was attended by over eighty and commenced with a welcome drink reception on the new open roof terrace at Butchers Hall. It was a balmy summer evening with great views of the City. The Senior Warden introduced our guests including the principal guest and speaker who was The Right Honourable The Lord Sewell of Sanderstead CBE. Lord Tony Sewell, who through his role as Founder of the Charity Generating Genius, has a long standing relationship with the Fuellers.
Lord Sewell talked about Generating Genius and its plans for the future to expand what they do in London around the UK. They seek to ensure talented students from deprived ethnic and minority backgrounds are positioned to excel in STEM careers. We hope some will go into the energy sector.
I thanked the speakers and everyone for attending. I also provided a brief overview of my year and future events and did a plug for my two physical challenges to raise funds for charity..

Friday 16 to Sunday 18 June, the Livery Masters and Consorts weekend in Glasgow
The entire 111 Livery Masters and their Consorts have an annual social long weekend. For many years this was held at Ironbridge, but has recently taken to moving to a different location each year. This year it was held in Glasgow. It was attended by around 280 people. The City of Glasgow, which has a long history of 14 Trade Incorporations, welcomed the Group with open arms and provided a mixture of impressive Civic, tours and other events. The weekend started with a Friday night reception and dinner in the beautiful and historic Grand Hall of Trades House. This dates back to the 1700’s.
On Saturday we visited three of Glasgow’s many famous sites. These were The Burrell Collection of over 9,000 artefacts set in the beautiful Pollok House grounds. Then we toured with guides the Tall Ship “Glenlee” which represents Glasgow’s naval heritage and the Transport Museum next door. The Tall Ship is a three -masted ship built in Glasgow in 1896. Finally we went to the Mackintosh Church with a talk from one of the trustees. Glasgow’s famous School of Art which was created by Charles Rennie Macintosh, could not be visited as it had sadly been destroyed by fire twice recently and will not reopen until 2030.
Saturday concluded with a grand black tie Civic Reception and Gala Dinner in the hugely important and prestigious building, the Glasgow City Chambers which has served as the Council for the City since it was completed in 1888.
The weekend finished with a Sunday morning service and lunch in Glasgow Cathedral which dates back to 1136.

Tuesday 20 June, RAF Brize Norton Annual Formal Reception
As Master I received an invitation to the annual formal reception at RAF Brize Norton. This is the home of one of our Military Affiliate RAF 10 Squadron refuelling aircraft. The event is an opportunity each year for Brize Norton to meet colleagues, friends and neighbours and to offer thanks for continued support and assistance. The reception took place outdoors and I was hosted very well by our contact for 10 Squadron, Squadron Leader Craig Harvey. The event included a speech from the Station Commander and various march pasts including a guard of honour. It finished with the sunset flag ceremony and a spectacular fly past.

Friday 23 June, Fuellers Private visit to HMS Sultan, Gosport Steam Lorry
Jan and I, the Junior Warden elect and our Clerk led a small Fuellers group had a private visit to our Affiliate, HMS Sultan at Gosport. We were very pleased to be able to see first-hand the benefit of our annual donation. This included meeting a number of the recipients of our Fuellers awards and we also had a trip on the fabled HMS Sultan Steam Lorry which was built in 1930 and came into HMS Sultan in 1970 for training and publicity work. We contribute to the annual running costs. It was not just a trip around the compound, but was a one hour plus tour of the local area and coast line and our presence caused a stir and lots of joy. The visit concluded with lunch in the Wardroom. A very special visit.

Friday 23 June, RNLI opening of new Thames station
The Junior Warden attended the official opening of the RNLI new lifeboat station on the Thames. We contribute to the annual fuel costs at this station. It is hoped the Fuellers will be able to have a group visit later in the year to this new facility.
Monday 26 June, Common Hall Election of the Sheriffs and lunch
It was an early morning breakfast for me at Armourers Hall hosted by Cook & Butler with a number of other Masters. After which I attended the Common Hall election of the Sheriffs at Guildhall along with Jan and our Clerk. I paraded with the other Masters in full robes. The voting took place in a traditional show of hands and the two new Sheriffs for the year ensuring were elected being Susan Langley and Bronek Masojada, both from the Insurers Company.

Tuesday 27 June, Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Sir Christopher Wren followed by lunch
Jan, I and the Clerk attended a unique and very special service of thanksgiving for the life of Sir Christopher Wren at St Paul’s Cathedral on the 300th Anniversary of his death. The Lord Mayor and many City dignitaries attended along with the Livery and Corporate world. This was then followed by a lunch for almost 300 at Plaisterers Hall.

Wednesday 28 June, The Fuellers Charitable Trust Fund meeting
In my role as Master and also being an Advisor to the Trust, I attended the afternoon meeting of the Trustees at Carmen Hall. We covered a lot of matters including a number of new applications for grants and re approved most of the recurring grants.
Friday 30 June, the start of Jan’s Past Masters group South Downs social weekend
We are both members of the active Past Masters association from when Jan was Master in 2016/17. Today was the start of a three day social weekend in the South Downs area staying at Goodwood with visits to Littlehampton, the Weald and Downland Museum home of the TV programme “ The Repair Shop”, Chichester, Arundel and Burpham.