So what have your Master and the Wardens been up to in July 2023? I also attach a list for your information of future events in 2023 for all Members.
I am working with others on communications for your benefit. This includes the Fuellers Communications Group chaired by Michael Green who will be populating the social media communications; the Editor of The Fueller magazine, Lynn Postle; the Editor of E-News, Louise Thompson and our Clerk Alex Maclean Bather.
My Charity Fund Raiser Two Physical Events update
I am doing two physical activities to raise funds for charity. Details and how to donate were sent round on 10 June. Another reminder will come out soon.
My first challenge was the swimming marathon which is now completed and I squeezed it in around my other Livery activities. I recently completed the task to swim a total of 22 miles being 1,417 lengths, the distance of the English Channel, by going three times a week to my club pool and building up the distance.
I am very pleased and proud; but it was tough and very hard work.
Now moving on to my second challenge which will come on August 5, climbing the roof of the 02 Building in Canary Wharf with a team of 18 of us. I hate heights, so this is really scary. Please support me with your donations and thank you so much for the ones who have done so far. I am very grateful as the funds build towards my target. Thank you all.
Monday 3 July, Visit to Solar Farm Dorset and Blandford Brewery
I led a group of 16 Fuellers, including Jan, our Senior and Junior Warden’s and our Clerk for an exclusive private tour of the South Farm Solar Park in Spetisbury Dorset. This is run by Voltalia and the output for the next 15 years has been sold to the Corporation of London, where it will provide just over 50% of the Corporations electricity needs.
This was the first group visit since the site was inaugurated on 16 June. It was an amazing spectacle consisting of 92,000 panels over 130 acres.
Following this visit we went for lunch at the nearby Blandford Brewery, home of Badger Beer, and finished with a tour of the facilities.

Tuesday 4 July, Attended the Fuellers Communication Group meeting
I attended by zoom, the regular Fuellers Communication Group meeting as Chaired by Michael Green. A very useful meeting.
Thursday 6 July, City Churches walk for Masters and Consorts
Jan and I attended the annual City Churches walk for Masters and Consorts. This was organised by The Master Plumber. Many of Sir Christopher Wren’s gems were included, which was especially significant being the 300th anniversary year of Wren’s death. The walk visited 13 City Churches starting at 10am from St Paul’s followed by lunch at St Magnus the Martyr and the closing tea at 16.30 at All Hallows by the Tower. A total of 34 Livery Companies were represented. A great opportunity to get to know our fellow Masters and Consorts even better.

Friday 7 July, the Brigantes “Breakfast” in Harrogate
The London Livery Members who reside in the North of England have set up a group called “Brigantes” (an ancient pre Roman northern British tribe) who hold a lunch around every six months. Jan and I attended this event at the very impressive Edwardian Theatre jewel, Royal Hall in Harrogate. The Immediate Past Lord Mayor, Alderman Vincent Keaveny was the Principal Guest. The lunch was preceded by the 2023 Brigantes Lecture given by TV presenter, author and “Antiques Road Trip” expert Philip Serrrell. After the lunch we were entertained by a surprise performance of songs from Les Miserables given by an excellent group of West End professionals.

Tuesday 11 July, Fuellers Industry Group Meeting, Carmen Hall
I attended the regular Fuellers Industry Group meeting in the evening, held at Carmen Hall and Chaired by Jon Clark. The planning for the Fuellers Duke of Edinburgh Future Energy Conference on 29 November dominated the meeting and is well underway.
Monday 17 July, Fuellers Thanksgiving Service and Affiliates Prizegiving Lunch
The Fuellers annual Thanksgiving Service was held in the morning at St Olave’s Church with the Officers, members and guests processing from Trinity House and back. The service was led by the Hon Chaplain, The Rev Nick Mottershead. The lunch and prizegiving was held at Trinity House. A framed certificate, and a £300 payment to a charity of their choice, was presented to the six affiliate prize winners provided by The Fuellers Charitable Trust Fund. Also framed certificates for the Charles Stephenson Clarke prize were presented to two City Of London University students. The prizes were all presented by the guest speaker, Air Commodore Angela Baker RAF Head of the Operational Energy Authority.

Saturday 22 July, the Worshipful Company of Carmen Cart Marking Ceremony and Lunch
Jan and I attended the morning annual ceremony held in Guildhall Yard by the Carmen, called “Cart Marking”. This is an ancient process going back 750 years where individuals who wanted to operate a “Cart” in the City of London had to pay an annual sum. Their cart was then branded in the wood on their carts. This is still repeated every year as a ceremony now covering a huge and varied collection of commercial and ancient vehicles and is the second largest annual public spectacle in the City, after The Lord Mayor’s Show. This year 54 vehicles were branded.
They are all branded with a red hot iron on a special wooden plaque installed for this purpose. The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress were in attendance and during the ceremony Jan and I were privileged to be invited to mark a Cart ourselves.
This was then followed by a reception and lunch in the Great Hall, Guildhall for around 500 attendees. A very spectacular day all round.

Sunday 23 to Monday 31 July, Master and Jan take a holiday
Jan and I went away for a few days break.