The Fuellers’ annual Carol Service saw us joining the Worshipful Company of Fanmakers at St James Garlickhythe church, which is known as “Wren’s Lantern”, due to the rebuild undertaken by the great man in 1683, to fill the church with light.
I am pleased to say that the Fuellers filled the church with sound, as we participated in celebrating the Festive period with some suitable carols. Readings by the Master and Wardens of both Companies were delivered to a gathering that filled the church.
Afterwards, the Fuellers retired to The Counting House, where we enjoyed an excellent Christmas supper, in the private dining rooms. Helen Poole's Christmas Cake was, as you can see, quite beautiful - and was raffled to raise funds for the Charitable Trust. The food was of a very high standard and we hope to attract more of our Company to this event in future years, as it is an excellent way to socialise with the members in an informal, relaxed setting, as people prepare for the holiday period ahead.
Shravan Joshi, Junior Warden