eNews March 2025

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Welcome back to the Fuellers eNews.  Whilst we are keen not to overload you with emails we want to keep you up to date on what has been going on and make sure that you have all the details and dates for upcoming events both within the Fuellers and the wider Livery world.

We will introduce you to new Freemen and Liverymen, provide an update from the Fuellers Charitable Trust and provide easy links for bookings and to buy merchandise.

It's been a busy few months since the Installation Court where Elena Oderstone was installed as our Master.  Members of the Fuellers participated in the Lord Mayor's Show alongside the RNLI, held Fuellers Sunday in the first Net Zero Church in the City, celebrated Christmas with a carol service alongside the Fan Makers and, most recently the Court and consorts were treated to a fantastic Burns Night New Year Court Dinner at Tallow Chandlers Hall. 

The aim is to send this out on a monthly basis to provide a source of information between the publications of The Fueller. If you have any suggestions or ideas of things you would like us to cover please let me or the Clerk know and we will do our best to include them next time.

Many thanks 
Louise Thompson, Junior Warden

The Full March 2025 edition of eNews is available in the Members' area