Lord Mayor’s Coffee Colloquy on Commercialising Hydrogen – 6 November 2024


6 November 2024




Mansion House

Lord Mayor’s Coffee Colloquy

Practitioner’s Perspectives on Commercialising Hydrogen

Opportunities and Challenges in British Hydrogen Ecosystem

Mansion House, London EC4N 8BH

Wednesday 6th November 2024




The 695th Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli’s Mayoral Theme “Connect to Prosper” celebrates our multiple knowledge miles, showing that the UK is a place where problems come to be solved. The Coffee Colloquies will demonstrate this, bringing together varied voices from in and around the City to talk about how their work supports the achievement of a lower carbon British economy through deep decarbonisation and technological innovation. Through fast paced transfer of knowledge and with a focus on connections and networking, the Coffee Colloquies invigorate our knowledge miles as the World’s Coffee House. At this colloquy curated by the Worshipful Company of Fuellers (www.fuellers.co.uk) participating panellists will present their experiences in developing the hydrogen ecosystem in the UK based on their lived experience in this emerging technology vector and their perspectives on the innovation landscape that needs to scaleup if we are to achieve our goals of the UK as a leading low carbon economy. The panellists will all be industry practitioners who will provide a realistic view of the opportunities and challenges in the UK going forward.



0845     Arrivals and Coffee

0915     Opening Remarks by The Lord Mayor

0920     5x 8-minute Practitioner Remarks

1000     Open Q&A

1030     Discussion, Networking and Refreshments

1115     Depart



Registration is essential and the event is free to attend.



A modern City of London Livery Company that represent the energy industry, The Worshipful Company of Fuellers has a diverse membership, representing all sectors of the energy industry from electricity generation, renewables, nuclear, oil and gas and their supply chains.

The Fuellers is a great platform for industry conversations and special interest groups on all aspects of the subject of energy, from its geopolitics to finance, across the industry value chain and technologies. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in the subject of energy.


  • Nick Shelley, Senior Business Development Manager, Element-2
  • Simon Brewster, CEO, Ju-I (Court Assistant, Worshipful Company of Fuellers)
  • Stuart Wolstencroft, Director, Cognition Clean Energy
  • Stephen Offley, Transport Lead Net Zero, Wales and West Utilities
  • Marcus Allington, CEO, JER Group
  • James Collins, Head of Business Development, ITM Power
  • Ashutosh Shastri, Director, EnerStrat Consulting (Senior Warden, Worshipful Company of Fuellers): Moderator



Capacity: 175
  • Mansion House
  • Walbrook
  • London
  • UK

Event Schedule Details

  • 6 November 2024 08:45
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