Installation Dinner – Wednesday 11 October 2023


11 October 2023




Stationers Hall

The Installation Dinner will be held on Wednesday 11 October 2023 at Stationers' Hall, which will immediately follow and celebrate the installation of Dr James Cripps as our new Master.

Our Prinicpal Guest is Frederick C. Lough M.D. Colonel (Ret) Medical Corps US Army, who is the first Director of the Department of Defense Medial Ethics Center (DMEC) at the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Maryland.  A graduate of West Point and a qualified Airborne and Ranger Specialist, he is a military combat and heart surgeon with over 40 years of experience, including two senior deployments to combat zones in Afghanistan. He received the Distinguished Graduate Award from West Point after his retirement in 2022 and his new role is to review the ethical challenges facing the United States Military, which includes liaison with NATO colleagues on potential changes to the Geneva Convention.

Stationers' Hall is a Grade I listed building, close to St Paul's Cathedral and one of the few ancient Livery Halls remaining in the City of London.  The Stationers have occupied the site on Ave Maria Lane since taking over Abergavenny House in 1606.  The original hall was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666 and the new hall was built shortly afterwards being first used in1673 for a dinner on Lord Mayor's day. Successive works over the 18th and 19th centruies have given the frontage a more dignified appearance.

1815        Reception
1900        Installation Dinner
2200        Stirrup Cup
2245        Carriages

Tickets cost £130 and you can now book places for yourself and your guests.
Pour Memoire invitations will be sent out towards the end of September.

Black tie, Decorations, Livery Badges.

Stationers' Hall, Ave Maria Lane, London  EC4M 7DD
Directions are available here

There will be a Ceremonial Court immediately before the Reception to formally admit new Freemen and robe new Liverymen.  This will follow Installation Court and start promptly at 1745.  All members and their guests wishing to support our new Freemen and Liverymen are welcome to attend.
If you are expecting to be admited as a Freeman or enrobed as a Liveryman please contact the Honorary Membership Secretary to ensure that you are included.



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Capacity: 200
  • Stationers Hall
  • Ave Maria Lane
  • London
  • UK

Event Schedule Details

  • 11 October 2023 18:15
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