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The Fuellers' Charitable Trust is proud to support the Arkwright Engineering Scholarships. Awarded to hard-working 16 year old students through a rigorous selection process, scholarships support them through their A levels or equivalent qualifications. As a result of her visit to the The Fuellers' Duke of Edinburgh Future Energy Conference 2023, Fuellers' Scholar Emma was invited to attend the IoP's Physics Powering the Green Economy reception earlier in February. Emma writes:
"Thank you for arranging for me to attend the Institute of Physics reception. It was so interesting to see how all of the exhibiting companies and organisations were using physics in the industry to help combat climate change and how this links in with the economy. It also allowed me to hear about the technology behind these advanced ideas, so I could see the implications and uses of the physics I have been learning in my A-level course. It gave me the opportunity to meet people working in the industry and hear about their experiences studying physics at university and beyond which I found beneficial and has left me more excited than ever to start my physics degree."
The two images show One is HRH arrival greeting party comprising (l-r)
Professor Sir Keith Burnett - President IoP
Professor Michele Dougherty - President Elect IoP
PM Averil MacDonald (shaking hands)
Tom Grinyer - CEO IoP
then to HRH right - Paul Herbage, Representative Deputy Lieutenant for Islington.
The other photo is of Emma and Professor Martin Freer, School of Physics and Astronomy at University of Birmingham.
Photography by Carmen Valino.