Annual Thanksgiving Service, Affiliates Luncheon & Prizegiving. Monday 3 June 2024

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This year's Affiliates Luncheon & Prizegiving was held on Monday 3 June 2024 at Trinity House, Tower Hill, London.  The Fuellers Charitable Trust is proud to support the annual prizes awarded to the Company's military affiliates, and City University, This is the principal event of the year that allows the Trust to show its support for our affiliated military units and all of the hard work that they do.

It was preceded by our Annual Thanksgiving Service at nearby St Olave’s Church, 8 Hart Street, London  where our chaplain, the Reverend  Nick Mottershead presided over the service and provided an interesting sermon about his day job in Fintech.

Prizes were awarded to outstanding work by officers and non commissioned officers from the Royal fleet Auxiliary, HMS Sultan, Royal Navy, 10 Squadron RAF and 152 (northern Irish ) Regiment. A fill list of citations is available at

The guest speaker this year was Commodore Bill Walworth CBE, former head of the Royal Auxiliary Fleet, and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Fuellers and. a Member of the Board of Trinity House, who entertained us with an interesting talk on his service achievements.

Our Master. James Cripps gave the vote of thanks and closed the meeting and lunch.