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2023 Charity Fund Raising Completed by Peter Harrison
Master of The Worshipful Company of Fuellers
This is to let you know I have now completed my two physical charity fund raising events.
I thank all those who have donated so far.
If you now wish to donate please go ahead before the campaigns are closed on 25 August 2023.
The FIRST challenge I completed was of something I love. That is swimming. I completed swimming a marathon, equivalent to the 22 miles of the English Channel. As you know this was not done in the sea, but in my local health club swimming pool, in chunks, three times a week. I started on 7 April and finished the 1,417 lengths on 18 July. I fitted this in around my Masters busy schedule and it was hard, very hard.

The SECOND challenge is of something I hate. That is heights. I led (or was dragged by!!) a private team of 18 of us climbing over the roof of the 02 Building in Canary Wharf, London, at 2pm on Saturday 5 August 2023.
The weather was horrendous with strong winds and pouring rain. We were all soaked. The team included my Consort Jan, Senior Warden Elena Oderstone and many members of my family including three of our grandchildren.
02 is 52 meters high and the climb took about one and half hours. Protective clothing, safety harnesses and non-slip shoes were provided. Our guide took us up to the 360 degree viewing platform at the top with amazing panoramic views over Canary Wharf.
The walk way was a rubber type of surface which moved like a trampoline. I was very glad to get down and enjoy the sense of achievement and to dry out.

My target is to raise £3,000 for charity. Having completed both tasks, donations are still welcome and can be made up to 25 August 2023.
Just click here https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/23772 which is a unique donation page within the CAF (Charity Aid Foundation). Or you can donate direct to The Fuellers Charitable Trust bank account details are:
Sort code: 30-96-66
Account number: 00460739
Reference: Mastercharity
The funds raised will be split between the three nominated Charities. These are:
- The Fuellers Charitable Trust Fund, which supports many City, Energy and Educational Charities
- The RNLI and
- The British Heart Foundation
Please give generously and every donation will be put to good use by the nominated Charities.Thank you for your support and engagement.
Peter Harrison 8 August 2023