The Guildhall Club was the perfect venue, as a number of Fuellers and Beadles of other Companies gathered, for the farewell reception of Mr. Colin …
Continue reading “Farewell Reception for Colin Smith, held on 26th January 2017”
The Guildhall Club was the perfect venue, as a number of Fuellers and Beadles of other Companies gathered, for the farewell reception of Mr. Colin …
Continue reading “Farewell Reception for Colin Smith, held on 26th January 2017”
Chair: Lord Palmer How energy is priced to consumers Speakers: Richard Street, ICIS Audrey Gallagher, Energy UK Rachel Fletcher, Ofgem Lord Palmer …
Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year from the Master and welcome to our new Fuellers website. This is a real asset to …
The Company is focused on ensuring that all current and prospective Fuellers are presented with a programme of events and opportunities that can grow their …
The Company has a loose affiliation with the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Energy Costs (APPGEC), where Court Assistant David Lewis is the technical adviser: see …
The Fuellers’ annual Carol Service saw us joining the Worshipful Company of Fanmakers at St James Garlickhythe church, which is known as “Wren’s Lantern”, due …
Continue reading “Fuellers’ Carol Service & Christmas Supper”
Chair: Lord Palmer Parliamentary attendance: Lord Palmer, Lord Cameron of Dillington Speakers: David Capper, Head of Team, Electricity Systems, BEIS; Mark Howitt, Director, Storelectric Ltd; …
On a wet November Saturday morning, The Master, Wardens and Liveryman David Marsh participated in the Lord Mayor’s show, representing the Fuellers’ Company in the …
The day started at the beautiful and ancient City Church of All Hallows by the Tower, which was founded in 675 and seemed to be …
Immediate Past Master John Ingham’s penultimate act as Master, prior to his installing the new Master at the Installation Court, was to admit the Company’s …