Shrove Tuesday 2025 Fuellers Pancake Racing Team

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The Magnificent Fuellers Team, Paul Mott, Louise Thompson, Elena Oderstone and Ashutosh Shastri

On the finest Shrove Tuesday for 10 years, a Fuellers pancake racing team gathered in Guildhall Yard.  With Elena in the masters’ category, Louise Thompson as the lady entrant, Paul Mott as liveryman and Ash Shastri in the novelty costume, making striking poses as a parrot, and Sarah Parker and Alex to cheer us on, we were pleased that Louise triumphed in the qualifiers (our one success).   Lunch was excellent, as it always is. 

A uTube video of the whole event is below for those with one hour+ to spare. Master Fueller in action at 28mins.

And here is the Manager of the team Paul Mott in action